Daniel Langevin - Les ordres
Jan 29 - Mar 19
Daniel Langevin, SANS TITRE (LV), 2021, Acrylic on cotton, 20’’ x 16’’.
Daniel Langevin is interested in graphic systems in which we find a great austerity, organizational rigor and orchestrated tension. His paintings of apparent simplicity are in fact the result of a complex process, the steps of which are followed with precision. The tensions between the recognizable and the unrecognizable animate his paintings.
In his most recent series, entitled Les ordres, colour guides the development of the paintings. Indeed, Langevin first paints the entire canvas with a colour chosen specifically as the starting point of the work. This is followed by a saturation stage and then that of the composition of a sketch on the computer. Langevin has respected this method as a form of working code for many years. Moving from the screen to the painted surface is the final step; the artist transcribes the colours and shapes of the digital sketch as faithfully as possible into the painting’s materiality.
The works exhibited in the gallery seduce with their range of varied colours and with their motifs that are both elementary and unexpected. Each composition includes a stripe around the edge of the painting which encompasses a combination of lines and dots “organized like the confined spaces to which we have become accustomed the last few months” (D. Langevin).